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Visitors 850
Modified 1-Mar-24
Created 10-Apr-15
48 photos

Traces of the frontier days in the Northern Great Basin and on the Columbia Plateau. Platinum/Palladium and Pigment Ink prints.
Waiting for Snow, Fort Rock, OregonStorm Over Powder River ValleyLong Barn at Sod House Ranch, Harney Co., OregonHistoric Pete French Sodhouse Ranch, Harney Co., OregonAbandoned School, Paradise, OregonFlora, OregonAbandoned Homestead, Goodnoe Hills, WashingtonGoodnoe Hills, WashingtonCorner Store, Uniontown, Wash.Old Molson, Wash.Assay Office, Old Molson, Wash.Homestead near Republic, Wash.Homestead, St. Andrews, Wash.Schoolhouse, Govan, Wash. No. 1Schoolhouse Door, Govan, Wash. No. 2Kam Wah Chung Historic Site, John Day, Oregonnear Thorpe, Wash.Richmond, OregonGeneral Store, Frenchglen, OregonOlmstead Homestead Historic Site, Ellensburg, Washington

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:frontier, vanishing, west